CODA meets on the first Wednesday of every month in the upstairs banquet room at Bruno's Bar and Grill in Scotts Valley CA.
The meetings start about 6:45pm with informal socializing. The formal meeting begins at 7pm with announcements of upcoming events and a short history of photography segment, followed by a ~45-minute presentation from an invited speaker. Members can sign up to share their images (either as projected digital files or physical prints) during the final hour of the meeting.
Meetings are primarily for members, but if you’re not a member, you’re welcome to attend a meeting as a trial. CODA is run by volunteers to keep costs at a minimum. Calendar year dues for members are $50 and go to support the activities of the group, including the monthly rental of the meeting room. CODA also maintains an email list (a Google Group) of members, plus others interested in photography and the activities of the group. Anyone can ask to be added to that list; you need not be a dues-paying member.
If you’re interested in joining in any of these aspects of CODA or have questions, please use the Contact page to send a message to the leadership group.
Westside Santa Cruz Landscape. Digital painting, Sharon Ferguson.